Enter Sandman
My fiancée has the strangest dreams. Really. They're terrible. I would say that at least once a week she tells me about some awful event that occurred in her mind while she slept. People die. She gets chased through strange cities by killers. I leave her, but only after I cheat on her. See? Really awful stuff. One time she had such a powerful dream in which I treated her horribly that she punched me in her sleep. I'm not kidding! And then when she woke up in the morning she had to stop herself from hitting me again! In our house, we have to clearly distinguish between Dream Jeff and Real Jeff. Dream Jeff is an asshole, but Real Jeff is quite nice. And doesn't wish to be bruised.
I'm a different story. I hardly ever remember my dreams. Maybe three a year. And I forget them by lunch. And I think that even when I do remember them, they're not all that weird. I mean I have the same shifting realities thing and people becoming other people dreamy weirdness, but not that weird. Does that make me boring? Or do you think that because I lead such a jetset lifestlye while I'm awake that my dreams simply seem pedestrian in comparison? That's what I think.
Are you really from Sunnyvale?
I live in Sunnyvale, but I am not from Sunnyvale.
These dreams are totally normal (that is, if you take advice from drunk crazy catladies going though divorce who SAY they're normal.)
Isn't the solution to punch her back?
Ack. Where did you find that JetSet pic?
Laurie: Mmmm... I think the crazy catlady relationship is a little too close to home. Have you seen Jen's blog? http://mycatbuddha.blogspot.com
Constant: Noooo... I would never hit Jen... Hitting women is wrong...
Jen: Google image search. Where else? http://images.google.com/images?q=jetset
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