Sunday, April 17, 2005

While we're on the subject of getting married...

I'm quite excited about my own foray into married life. Not that it's happened yet or anything, but still. It's going to.

Although, I must admit that I still have my own insecurities and worries that I feel should be addressed before I launch into this enterprise. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not feeling apprehensive about marrying my lovely fiancée. On the contrary. I just sometimes wish I wasn't so me. You know how Paul Giamatti makes you feel in American Splendor or at the end of Sideways? It's kinda like that. I just wish I was better for her.

Now she'd say that I'm wonderful and that she's happier with me than she's ever been with anyone else, but that's not enough. I know I can be better for her. I don't want to be such a head case any more. I'm tired of being crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff being a head case is part of being a Stone, get over it. Plus, she is just as crazy as you are. I love you with all my heart and I can't wait for Jen to be my sister. You're gonna be fine, I promise.


11:07 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Thanks, Pen.

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I of course think you're perfect, as are all Stones, but feeling like a head case is no fun. My techniques for dealing with this feeling:
A. Talking on the phone with someone I love and whose opinion I trust.
B. Indulging in some good food and wine.
C. Moving 3,000 miles away.
D. Taking up a new hobby!

I recommend A, B and D only. C ends up being a temporary solution. The case of head always comes back.

12:34 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Sage advice from one in the know.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Don't be such a butthead, butthead. Hmph. I love you so much it is gross AND silly. Hmph. As for crazy, let's recall some of the more recent craziness on this side of the relationship:
a. Recent physical insecurities: "Jeff, I'm a zit monster!"
b. My obsessive desire to drag you to places you clearly do not wish to go.
c. My silliness about the cat. She isn't going to die if I stop looking. Really, I know this. Really.

I love you! Stop worrying!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just thought of something! when you two get married jen m will no longer be jen m! she will have to be jen 2 or something! i'm so clever!

jen- when i read that you said you were a zit monster i laughed for a good minute because i can just imagine you saying something along those lines!

11:56 PM  

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