Well, I felt kinda bad about only posting about the cosmetic update to the site, so I thought I'd post more.
I think I would probably post more, but the fact of the matter is that I type all day. Every day. From 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 5 days a week.
It's not that I dislike my job. Far from it. I love my job, but the all-day typing really cuts in to my desire to use my computer/post comments on my blog when I get home. Of course, I have been guilty of posting from work once or twice in the past (look at when each post was made for example), but still.
So Christmas is only two days away. In the spirit of American Consumerism, I purchased all of my friends and family numerous gifts. I was pretty good this year too. I was done with my shopping by last weekend, I shipped off presents to my friends that live far away on Monday, I've wrapped all of the presents. Yes, I think that overall, I did very well. Now I just have to make it through a week with my girlfriend's family and my own family. It's not that I don't love them all dearly, but a week straight of 'family time' is just a bit taxing. Best behavior and all that.
So, that's probably the most about me as a person I've shared yet. I think that's enough.
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