Tuesday, September 13, 2005

With the moon on their wings

Things that Jeff has cared about recently:

  • Wong Kar-Wai
    I've recently watched Chungking Express, Happy Together, In the Mood for Love and 2046. There's such a pervasive sadness to Wong Kar-Wai's movies. Even when people are happy, there's this sort of cloud of impending doom hovering over each scene that makes it nearly impossible to feel hopeful for the characters. I think he must have lost someone or something early on and that's why he makes film after film the deals with the loss of someone close or the inadequacies of human affection.

  • The Giants making a seemingly impossible break for the postseason.
    They're currently six games behind the division leading Padres and as fate would have it, they have six games to play against them before the season ends. Plus, you know, I don't know if you've heard, but uhhh... Barry's back.

  • Jen
    But I always care about her. It's funny. When people ask me why I don't have a cell phone I tell them it's because I'm eaither at work or at home, but that's an exaggeration. What isn't an exaggeration is that if I'm not at home or at work, I'm with Jen. And she has a cell phone. Is that sad? I guess not, huh? It should be viewed as true love, right? That I'm always with my fiancée when not at work. I mean, I don't necessarily want to spend every waking second with her, because, oh my G-d that would drive me nuts, but I really am happiest when I'm with her and that means something, right?

  • Speaking of inadequacies
    I can't really talk a lot about this subject, but suffice it to say that I get somewhat emotional when watching our national news these days. That's if I can actually bear the news for more than five minutes. I don't know how much my donation will help, but I know that I tried to do something, which seems to be a hell of a lot more than what some people were willing to do.

Hope y'all are doing fine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, I loved Chungking Express. Must check out his other films.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

make that 5 games back!!!! but schmidtty is hurt and so is my boy:( but barry is back and no matter what our pitching does, there isn't something secial when that man is in the lineup.

the news is hard to watch. i haven't watched the news since last weekend so i've just been reading because that way the images and voices don't haunt me so much.

also, jefe you really need to watch "Lost" holy bananas man...it just might be better then alias season two.

12:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

and she's always the first to comment on your blog too...

...sniffle, sniffle...

No, it's okay, I'm fine.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Constant said...

I really need to check out his films, especially as a bonafide chinaman.

Also, get a cell phone damnit.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Sancho, you know that's my sister Jen, right? Not my betrothed Jen.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No I didn't. Now I'm grossed out. Blech...

No, it's okay, I'm fine.

12:41 AM  

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